Active, Hands-On Management
Immersing ourselves in the intricacies and actively engaging in the day-to-day operations are key drivers of our success.
Little Things Matter
We understand that the little things matter and we view all stakeholders as partners. From our approach to property management to how we build relationships and the curation of our company culture, we know the smallest things can make the biggest difference.
Obsessed With Elevating Tenant & Guest Experiences
We live by Maya Angelou’s famous quote – “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel”.
Human Capital
Our team members are the life blood of our organization. We embrace a team-oriented and inclusive culture where people feel motivated, energized, inspired and valued.
Transparent Communication & Reporting
Unwavering focus on creating value for all stakeholders and for sourcing compelling asymmetric investment opportunities.
Scrappy, Ambitious & Relentless
We take our role as a fiduciary seriously. As with any strong relationship, we believe honesty, transparency and consistent communication with our investors and partners is paramount.